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    Arowana up with Fortune peanut oil and rapeseed oil retail prices; Currently, the domestic fuel oil import dependence has reached 80%

    Time:2013-06-25 Click:2061

      International fuel oil prices continue to rise, causing the domestic edible oil prices again.
    Reporter was informed that two small package edible oil brand Arowana, Fortune goalkeeper after another price adjustment, the price of this series focused on peanut oil and rapeseed series, Arowana rapeseed oil rose to 5% -10%, rose to Fortune 3.5% -10%; peanut oil, the Arowana rose to 7% -9%, up 8.1% Fulinmen -8.9%.
    An edible oil business sources, "now that the two companies have adjusted soybean oil channel policy, the terminal price not adjusted, a bulk soybean oil costs have not exceeded the terminal retail price."
    The oil price increases in the background is the South American soybean harvest, the USDA expects U.S. soybean planting decreased, thus promoting international fuel oil prices.
    While the domestic situation is also difficult to optimistic. The East Iger oils and fats analyst Chen Lina, said, "the domestic soybean acreage is expected to reduce, this year soybean planting compare difficult to achieve the 1.5 thousand million mu of."
    In 2011, the total supply of domestic edible oil 28,651,000 tons, of which only 4.348 million tons of domestic oil. Increasing external dependence.
    Two giants at the head
    Arowana, Fortune once again play the vanguard of price adjustment.
    Arowana and Fortune dealers are received before March 28 of the two brands of price adjustment notice, the dealer has factory price system proposed under the table sent to retail outlets.
    Aforementioned oil companies sources, "currently being carried out within Arowana price adjustment, but not yet published; Fortune 27 March has done a price adjustment, a rapeseed oil 5L from 218 yuan / box raised to 239 yuan / boxes, rose 9.6%. "
    This personage expresses, price hikes reason is that "Recently bulk oil rose too compare powerful, Jinlong Yu, Fook Lam Moon door of the price system has already Yu last Fri (March 30) done a adjustment."
    COFCO Fortune stakeholders confirmed to reporters, "We have adjusted the price of peanut oil, not all oil types, oil types made of individual price adjustments."
    Arowana, Fortune is the ranked first, second, small package edible oil giant, while the parent company of both the benefits of Kerry and COFCO is China ranked first, second, oilseeds and oilseed processing enterprises.
    2011, the domestic small package edible oil sales at 700 million tons, of which a small package edible oil sales Arowana at 300 million tons, accounting for about 40% of the market share, COFCO Fortune occupy 15% market share.
    This is the first time this year, oil prices rose. Last year early in August, Jinlong Yu price increases to obtain passed, for up to big half a year's edible oil "limit order" the end, the subsequent due international market oils and fats oilseeds prices appear to fall, to the last year, the end of December, an big soybean oil From the peak period of per tonne of 11500 dollar dropped to 8950 yuan high price.
    However, this is not a small package soybean price range. The oil companies said, Arowana, Fortune has adjusted the channel policy, depress dealer profits, temporarily adjust the terminal price.
    The source said the price of soybean oil is now a fast break 10,000 yuan per ton, but did not reach firm price adjustment requirements. "A price of 11,000 yuan rapeseed oil, rapeseed oil costs have exceeded the terminal retail price, price inversion occurs if the cost exceeded the retail price of soybean oil, soybean oil companies will raise the price."
    This round of oil price increases mainly because of the recent rising international oil market caused by oil, in addition, the recent domestic gasoline and diesel price increases, has also led to high logistics costs, resulting in an increase in the cost of production of edible oil.
    Informed sources said the companies, international predict more powerful South American soybean harvest, coupled with the U.S. Department of Agriculture expects U.S. soybean production decline this year, resulting in the international market, soybean oil futures prices and spot prices continue to climb.
    South American soybean production forecast the decline in become the this time market prices rose the focus of the. Since the previous stage in large areas of drought in South America, affected the main soybean producing areas of Argentina, Brazil's soybean production is expected to continue to decline. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) report predicts that in October last year Argentina soybean production reached 53 million tons this year, but the figures reported in February this year has been revised down to 48 million tons.
    Buenos Aires Grain Exchange on April 5, said Argentina 2011/2012 soybean production is expected to 45 million tons, lower than the previous forecast of 46.2 million tons, and 8.5% less than last year.
    The USDA forecast in February this year, Brazil's soybean production was 72 million tons. But recently, a private company production forecast shows Brazil's soybean production will eventually drop to 68 million -6900 million tons, the average market forecast Brazil's soybean production was 69.3 million tons, higher than last year, will fall at least 5 million -600 million tons.
    March 30, USDA announced plans in 2012 U.S. soybean acreage is 73.902 million acres, below market expectations of 74 million -7670 million acres. As the global soybean consumption than the stock already in tight state superposition of two factors led to the 2011/2012 annual global soybean supply is expected very tight, while increasing market supply concerns.
    Chinese Grain and Oils Information Center (CNGOIC)'s data estimates, 2011/2012 (October 1, 2011 until September 30th, 2012) annual domestic soybean imports is expected to 57 million t or so, year on year rose 8.9%. Grain and Oil Information Center reported that China's soybean imports this year will be significantly higher than the U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast of 55 million tons.
    International fuel oil supply is a major source of domestic oil demand. Domestic dependence on imported fuel oil has reached 80%, resulting in the international market, "cold", the domestic market will "medicine" phenomenon.
    At the same time, the domestic soybean acreage is also expected to decrease. Crop statistics show that in 2012 soybean planting intentions Heilongjiang farmers continues to decline, soybean seed sales are sluggish, some regional sales stagnated.
    Chen Lina told reporters, "This year domestic soybean acreage reduction more difficult to reach 1500 mu, feeling kind of soybean farmers do not make money now switching to corn."
    The business people said, "This round of oil price increases estimated market will last for a month. Another month up other U.S. soybean prices will adjust the current to ease the upward pressure on prices."


